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This page was last modified: 07/19/20

p.s.: AI stands for "Automatic Indexing."

COVID-19 update: Although the shipping services are not usually as speedy as before,
my turnaround time is unchanged. Your lenses should be here no more than a few days.

July 2020: I have increased my prices for return postage. Although I have not changed the prices for
my work in at least a couple decades, I find it necessary to keep up with postal rates.
New prices are $10 for one or two lenses no larger than 200mm and $15 for more than
two or any orders that include a lens longer than 200mm. I will be updating the order form soon.

Do you have an old Nikon lens and a newer Nikon body (or vice versa)? If yes, read on...

Welcome to my Home Page! While you're here...

This table is the foundation of my service

You will surely want to check out the lens/body compatibility chart

Prices and Shipping Instructions

But you may want to stop by Special notes for users of Nikon digital SLRs

Prices and Shipping Instructions

Maybe you just want to go straight to prices & shipping info for an order form

This flyer can be printed

Need a flyer on my service? It is not current but still has lots of valuable info

This page covers the history of Nikon's meter coupling systems

You may want some history on Nikon's lenses in terms of meter couplings

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This page was last modified: 03/10/2019