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Notes on digital cameras:
The new Df SLR is the first digital model to allow the use the non-AI lenses and still support TTL metering. Nevertheless, at least my Type A conversion is recommended to get the most out of your venerable glass.
Non-AI lenses must be converted before they can be used on any digital body (except the D40, D40X, D60, D3000 series, D5000 series and Df).
The D1 through D5 bodies, D200, D300, D500, D700, D750, D7000 series, D800 series and D600 series bodies need at least my Type A conversion ($25). The combination will allow TTL metering in both M and A modes. A Type B conversion ($35) will also work and will prepare the lens for possible future body purchases..
The D90, D80, D70, D50, D100 and Fuji S1, S2 and S3 need my Type B conversion ($35) in order to fit on the body. Unfortunately, there will be no TTL metering since those bodies require the CPU in the AF lenses to "complete the circuit." Nevertheless, you can make the aperture and shutter speed settings using guesswork or an external meter and check your exposure almost immediately on the monitor.
The D40, D40x, D60, D3000 series, D5000 series and D7500 will accept non-AI lenses as-is but without metering as with the D80, D70, etc. bodies above.
Other notes: Lenses with a Type B conversion will fit on all 35mm and digital Nikon SLRs. Neither the A or B conversion will affect the use of the lenses on any old bodies.

 - - - - - - - - Basic Compatibility of Nikon Bodies and Lenses - - - - - - - - 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Type of Lens  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Series E, Autofocus (24/2.8AF shown)

AI (original and converted), AI-s (24/2.8AI-s shown)

Lenses made prior to 1977 (50/1.4 shown)

Type of Body
(in terms of meter coupling)

Examples VGA242.8AFTop.jpg (31914 bytes) VGA242.8AIsTop.jpg (30632 bytes) VGA501.4unconverted.JPG (30481 bytes)


Z50, Z6 and Z7

AF-S lenses will work perfectly with the FTZ adapter. Earlier AF lenses and manual ones will fit and meter but with manual focus
for use with the FTZ adapter. Metering will be supported, focusing will be manual.

Contrary to the instructions that came with your FTZ, virtually all these lenses can be used as is. Metering will be supported, focusing will be manual.

Electronic Coupling Only
(no metering tab)
D40, D40x, D60, D5xxx series, D3xxx series, D7500 OK
Virtually any Nikon-mount lens will fit safely on the camera but there will be no metering
D90, D80, D70s, D50, D70, N75, D100, N55, N80, N65, N60, Fuji S1, Fuji S2, Fuji S3, N50 N5005, N4004 OK
See Green Note 2 below if you have a Series E lens.
See Green Note 2 below if you have an AI or AI-s lens. See Green Note 3 below if you have an old lens that I converted.
Type B Conversion
Do not attempt to mount the lens. See Red Note 1 below.
(metering tab is fixed)
 D780, D5, D500, D6xx series, D4, D8xx series, D7xxx series (except the D7500), D750, D700, D3 series, D300, D200, Fuji S5 Pro, D2 series, FM3A, D1 series, F100, F5, N90, N70, FM10, N8008, N6006, N2020, FA FM2, FE2, FG, EM OK
Details in Green Note 1 below.
Details in Green Note 1 below.
Type A Conversion
Do not attempt to mount the lens. See Red Note 2 below.
(metering tab will flip up)
Df, F4, F3, F2A, FM, FE, EL2, Nikkormat FT3 OK
Details in Green Note 1 below.
Details in Green Note 1 below.
Type A Conversion Recommended
(to allow metering at full aperture). See Yellow Note 1 below.
("pin & yoke" connection)
F2, FTn and older Photomics, Nikkormat EL, FTn and FT2 Type C Conversion Recommended
(to allow metering at full aperture). See Yellow Note 2 below.
Details in Green Note 1 below.
Details in Green Note 1 below.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - After My Conversion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

VGA501.8ERetro27.jpg (25056 bytes)
Here is a Type C conversion (new lens for use on an old body). The metering yoke has been added to this Series E lens

VGAAIphoto50.jpg (27795 bytes)
Pictured above is a Type A conversion (old lens for use on a new body). Note the notch and aperture readout strip) Type B is similar. The difference is that clearance will be created for the minimum aperture tab on "Electronic Only" bodies 

Note: None of my conversions affect the original uses and compatibilities of the lenses.

Key to shaded sections above:

Conversion Needed! Red Note 1: Converting Old lenses to fit on these "Electronic Coupling Only" bodies is possible but there is additional work involved. I call this a Type B conversion. Even then, my conversion only allows the lens to be mounted safely. You will still not be able to measure ambient light although aperture and shutter speed can be set manually.
Red Note 2: I convert the Old lenses by removing material from (and/or adding material to) the aperture ring to create the proper coupling. I call this a Type A conversion. Thus, I can convert all Nikon lenses without regard for age. The results of my conversion are equivalent to Nikon's in all functional aspects. For the Aperture Data Readout (ADR) function, I add an adhesive label. Once converted, you will be able to use your lenses as before on any Old bodies. Note: lenses of other brands, extension tubes, teleconverters, bellows and similar accessories are generally not convertable but may still fit safely on the bodies.
Conversion Recom-
Yellow Note 1: Old lenses can be mounted as-is on a Transitional body if the metering tab is locked in the "up" position. In this mode, metering must be by the "stop down" method. After my Type A conversion, the lens will mount with the tab down and allow full aperture metering on these bodies. It will still work as before on any Old bodies.
Yellow Note 2: New lenses will mount on an Old body without any adjustments but there will be no meter coupling. For proper metering, the coupling pin on the body must be moved to the correct position before using the "stop down" method. I can convert the New lenses (Series E and Autofocus styles) by installing the familiar coupling shoe. I call this a Type C conversion. This addition allows full-aperture metering on the Old bodies without affecting the use of the lens on the New and Electronic Only models.


Green Note 1: Lenses in this category will fit safely on the body and allow full-aperture metering but you may not get all the features of the lens and/or body. Refer to your body's instruction book or check this detailed chart. The chart is a .pdf (Portable Document Format) file. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader but that software is available free for download from Adobe. If it would be more convenient for you, I can mail this chart to you, just send me a message with your address to jwhite@aiconversions.com
Green Note 2: The metering systems in these bodies require the microprocessor used in autofocus lenses (and a few unusual manual models). As a result, ambient light cannot be metered when using AI, AI-s or Series E lenses. Fortunately however, aperture and shutter speed can be set manually.
Green Note 3: AI-s, factory-original AI models and ones converted by Nikon will mount on these bodies but you will not be able to measure ambient light since these bodies require the microprocessor found in autofocus lenses. My type A to B conversion will allow the lens to be mounted safely but still with no metering of ambient light. Aperture and shutter speed can be set manually, however.
Would you like a flyer about my services? Click here for a .pdf file that you can print out.
Would you like to learn about the history that resulted in the chart above? Click here
The price for a Type A or conversion is $25. Type B and C conversions are $35. Ready for information on shipping? Click here

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This page was last modified: 03/10/2019